70% Huila, Colombia
30% Reko, Ethiopia
We are pretty excited that the new crop of Reko has landed - just in time for our Spring version 2. Combining forces with the Huila Regional Select coffee to create a mouthwatering espresso with notes of lemon, red berry, raspberry and a hint of marshmallow.
The Regional Selects is a new project being created in Colombia meant to highlight the unique profiles found that are inherent in specific micro-regions within Colombia, including Huila.
Remember that the average Colombian farmer has only about 3 hectares of coffee that might produce 60 bags of exportable quality coffee. So, as the harvest season progresses, they might make 3 -4 trips to town bringing 10-15 bags of coffee. Those receipts are cupped in the regional lab of Banexport and set aside if they are top quality and pass the strict standards in place. The coffee are then cupped and coffees scoring 86 points and above are set aside. Coffees scoring 86-88 coffees are kept together by community for the "Regional Select Project". We pay a premium for anything above 86 points – with the idea that quality coffee takes more time and effort and is worth more to all of us.
The second time we have bought this coffee as we love it for its classic Yirgacheffe characteristics of stone fruits.
Great for: Espresso, Milky, With milk