The cooperative employs agronomists & technical engineers that work with producers that have been identified for their commitment and potential to help ensure each harvest continues to improve and Luis A. Ortega is one of 70 producers that have been identified by Nordic Approach to help build this particular project that focusses on those exceptional up & coming farmers with the best quality coffee.
Altitude: 1750 meters above sea level
Farm/Coop: Finca la Cabana
Great for: Aeropress, Cafetiere, Espresso, Filter, With milk
Origin: Central America/Colombia - San Augustin, Huila
Owner: Luis Alejandro Ortega
Process Method: Washed - with controlled fermentation for up to 25 hours & dried in parabolic dryers
Varietals: Bourbon
Farm/Coop: Finca la Cabana
Great for: Aeropress, Cafetiere, Espresso, Filter, With milk
Origin: Central America/Colombia - San Augustin, Huila
Owner: Luis Alejandro Ortega
Process Method: Washed - with controlled fermentation for up to 25 hours & dried in parabolic dryers
Varietals: Bourbon