This coffee is a result of a sustainable technoserve project in the west based on transparency and increased quality production. Technoserve is an NGO supporting the farmers in setting up washing stations and new cooperative structures. This project has revealed a new great range of coffee flavours not found elsewhere. Technoserve’s coffee initiative is a project measuring their success in the value and quality of the coffees produced and the farmers increase in their coffee income. All cooperative members qualify for second payment. This has so far contributed to a significant increase in payment for the local coffee farmers.
Biftu Gudina is a new cooperative established in 2012. They are located in an area becoming known for very flavour intense and spicy coffees with unique attributes. The management is strong and they succeeded on quality production from year one. A lot of the coffees are grown around and above 2000 meters above sea level. They have waste water treatment based on vetiver grass naturally filtrating the water from the production before it goes in to the pits and finally the ground.
Altitude: 1975 masl
Farm/Coop: Bifdu Gudina Zone
Great for: Aeropress, Filter
Origin: Africa/Ethiopia - Agaro – Goma Woreda
Owner: 130 smallholder cooperative members.
Process Method: Washed
Farm/Coop: Bifdu Gudina Zone
Great for: Aeropress, Filter
Origin: Africa/Ethiopia - Agaro – Goma Woreda
Owner: 130 smallholder cooperative members.
Process Method: Washed