Located near the town of Karatina in the Nyeri region of Kenya, the Ngungrui primary wet mill or ‘factory’ as they are known in Kenya, processes coffee for over 1000 small holder farmers predominantly from the Kikuyu tribe.
Typically a smallholding or ‘shamba’ is comprised of shade-grown coffee, a house, the family cow and a good variety of vegetables and fruit for the use of the family. The fertile red soil and ample rainfall provides excellent potential for production of quality coffee. The coffee will be hand picked by the farmer and delivered to the wet mill for processing. Before pulping, all cherries are hand selected and graded to ensure consistent quality with the ‘AA’ grade being the highest.
Recent amendments to the coffee laws in Kenya now allow direct trade with cooperatives and allow farmers to by pass the traditional auction system and sell direct bringing better returns to the smallholders.
Altitude: 1750/1950 masl
Farm/Coop: Ngunguru Wash Station
Great for: Aeropress, Cafetiere, Filter, With milk
Origin: Africa/Kenya - Nyeri District
Process Method: Washed - Cherries are fully washed, wet processed and sun dried
Varietals: SL28, SL34
Farm/Coop: Ngunguru Wash Station
Great for: Aeropress, Cafetiere, Filter, With milk
Origin: Africa/Kenya - Nyeri District
Process Method: Washed - Cherries are fully washed, wet processed and sun dried
Varietals: SL28, SL34